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Prva zenska liga Centralne Srbije za 2021

Last update 07.11.2021 13:58:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

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Team-Pairings of all rounds

Round 1 on 2021/11/06 at 10:00
1  PARACIN - Paracin  EKONOMIST - Nis2:2
2  TOPLICANIN - Prokuplje  RUDAR - Kostolac½:
Round 2 on 2021/11/06 at 16:00
1  EKONOMIST - Nis  RUDAR - Kostolac:
2  PARACIN - Paracin  TOPLICANIN - Prokuplje2:2
Round 3 on 2021/11/07 at 10:00
1  TOPLICANIN - Prokuplje  EKONOMIST - Nis1:3
2  RUDAR - Kostolac  PARACIN - Paracin3:1