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Namibia National Chess Championship

Darrera actualització25.03.2007 22:45:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: BERNHARD BIBERLE my old friend

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Rànquing inicial

1Oberholzer RexNAM217721771800
2Tjipueja WernerNAM209720972025
3CMNakapunda OttoNAM209220922025
4Eichab CharlesNAM204520452155
5Beukes ReubenNAM193501935
6Fani FaresNAM191001910
7Nangula ToivoNAM189001890
8Nitzborn JosefNAM189001890
9Ehrich ThomasNAM180001800
10Karuseb ShiyaNAM179501795
11Amakali LukasNAM174001740
12Swartz StephneNAM173001730
13Swartz CelesteNAM171501715
14Dennis FransNAM170501705
15Khoa GoodwillNAM168001680
16Gariseb EdmundNAM164001640
17Allies Chez-RayNAM156501565
18Nakapunda ChaunceyNAM120001200
19Diemer ArminNAM000
20Hafeni HafeniNAM000
21Hangula AnnaNAM000
22Hangula ApollosNAM000
23Heyman LouisNAM000
24Kajovi MatjiuaNAM000
25Kavishe DanielNAM000
26Lebereki MambiNAM000
27Leonard JohannesNAM000
28Nashidengo NatangweNAM000
29Nathingo ErastusNAM000
30Nathingo IsmaelNAM000
31Oghonna ChumiNIG000
32Retief ChristoNAM000
33Shivute LeonardNAM000
34Sihlahla EmanuelNAM000
35Thourob GersonNAM000
36Tjikuua PejaNAM000