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2021 Umhlanga Invitational RR section

Darrera actualització02.11.2021 12:38:04, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Keith Rust

Llista del rànquing inicial

6Ncemu Aviwe014335883RSA169101691
5Daniel Angelo014320614RSA155315531684
1Mthembu Prince014335875RSA138513851706
9Jugree Arav014346044RSA134713471151
4Budhram Cadence014345129RSA133501335
7Khumalo Zimthande014348900RSA129301293
8Zulu Sandiso014343622RSA128612861485
10Yan Weilun014352591RSA117001170
2Mahadeo Shreeya014350696RSA104801048
3Kumarasamy Daaruk014343487RSA100210021222