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XVI Juegos Nacionales Fedeliv 2021 para limitados visuales Ajedrez CLASICO Femenino

Last update 01.11.2021 21:24:28, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Vasquez Zambrano Alejandra4485335CUN1584
2Carmona Luisa Maria4485270RIS1546
3Franco Yolima4442555CUN1517
4Mateus Patino Paula Andrea4499379SAN1499
5Uribe Consuelo4475992CAU1380
6Rodriguez Tovar Liliana4489969CUN1375
7Contreras Sandoval Leidy Tatiana4485297ANT1355
8Florez Leidy Lucila4489128SAN1322
9Ceron Deisy Adriana4455606CAU1233
10Munera G Lina Marcela4475984RIS1205
11Ruiz Luz Alba4427866SAN1190
12Muñoz Pinilla YeseniaTOL0
13Rodriguez Delgado MonicaBOG0