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Timor-Leste National Women Championship 2021

Last update 28.10.2021 08:50:57, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

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Starting rank

1Dos Santos Elfiana31900615TLS1580
2Soares Germandina Xavier31900640TLS1497
3Gusmao Maria Do Ceu31902189TLS1399
4Cardoso Saula31900062TLS1373
5Americo Fretelina Viegas31901360TLS1170
6Almeida Zelia M. De Andrade31904513TLS0
7Amaral Maria Evangelina31901581TLS0
8Calau Zemila Da Costa31904505TLS0
9Do Rego Amenciana D. S. M31904785TLS0
10Dos Santos Remigia Oliveira De Jesus31904700TLS0
11Guterres Maria Imaculada31902340TLS0
12Maia Criscencia Liberata De J.31904491TLS0
13Martins Gercia M. B.31904890TLS0
14Martins Miliana A31904777TLS0
15Mesquita Delfi31900674TLS0
16Soares Embelina Agusta31905013TLS0
17Soares Matilde Ines31901344TLS0
18Tilman Zulmira Americo31904688TLS0
19Ximenes Adelia Frangelina31901603TLS0