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2014 New Year Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony24.10.2021 15:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

2FMMesfin Leykun15700097ETH2127
10Tsige Addisalem Temesgen15700160ETH2082
9CMJimma Desalegn Fekadu15700070ETH2040
6Altaye Girum Teklewold15700356ETH1952
8Altaye Hailu Teklewold15700372ETH1861
7Tolu Behailu Workneh15702405ETH1855
1Abie Tilahun Lemma15700542ETH1803
3Moges Flower Habtu15701662ETH1775
4CMTadese Estube Haileselassie15700330ETH0
5Teklemariam Hailay Mezgebo15700690ETH0