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Vezerkepzo IM Oct-Nov

Darrera actualització04.11.2021 20:28:25, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Slovak Chess Federation license 32

Llista del rànquing inicial

5IMIssa Rafat7600437JOR2357
8IMTo Nhat Minh729019HUN2356
7Sadubayev Airat13713264KAZ2273
9IMNemeth Zoltan700657HUN2265
4WIMMihok-Juhasz Barbara743585HUN2264
3FMLeszko Bence769070HUN2258
10Graif William2609835CAN2231
2FMGombocz Ferenc Jr.775029HUN2188
1Kishan Gangolli5049350IND2128
6Adarsh Tripathi35061984IND2115