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Vezerkepzo GM Oct-Nov

Last update 04.11.2021 16:06:44, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 32

Starting rank list of players

10GMPechac Jergus14926970SVK2541
5GMNagy Gabor737119HUN2535
8IMSheng Joshua2057360USA2464
3FMSrihari L R46617116IND2414
1IMAnsat Aldiyar13715658KAZ2408
7GMPap Misa921610SRB2397
9IMSouhardo Basak35092910IND2382
6FMNitish Belurkar5084768IND2351
2WGMPapp Sarah24606812GER2315
4WIMGaal Zsoka777765HUN2276