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Campeonato Sudeste/Centro-Oeste Amador de Xadrez 2021 - Sub-2200 ID CBX 5414

Darrera actualització24.10.2021 22:09:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Liga Regional de Xadrez-LRX-Mata-Vertent

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Rànquing inicial

1NMLage Pedro Ferreira359162154269BRA2144RJ
2Velloso Benedito1172104849BRA2103ES
3da Silva Wagner Afonso428362176351BRA1925MG
4NMMota Nataniel Julio Pereira80372120291BRA1902MG
5Santanna Paulo666142027402BRA1894DF
6Cardoso Marcio de Lucca405962161362BRA1892RJ
7NMDeus Filho Joaquim de48012105128BRA1868SP
8Gonçalves Gustavo E de Oliveira5831222758941BRA1750MG
9Damasceno Enzo de Carvalho5669522750657BRA1692RJ
10NMCardoso Lucca Pimenta415832185067BRA1690RJ
11Sampaio Andre Luiz354652132800BRA1655MG