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Hull 4NCL International U1700

Darrera actualització25.10.2021 18:19:35, Creador/Darrera càrrega: 4NCL

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Rànquing inicial

1Dunn GilesENG1698
2Webster Vivien471968ENG1696
3Patterson Dave448036ENG1692
4Catto JosephENG1690
5Jones Paul WENG1690
6Oliver Bruce R453463ENG1690
7Fisher Neal442100ENG1684
8Salisbury Paul450243ENG1681
9Zigmond Andrew453617ENG1675
10Carroll Michael2046210USA1668
11Fowler David J416541ENG1668
12Graham Donald MENG1668
13Grice Alec453250ENG1668
14Jiping Li484253ENG1658
15Burgoyne Peter A421316ENG1653
16Greenaway Terence V438693ENG1653
17Milson Neil436011ENG1630
18Whittington Reece W459771ENG1628
19Dhillon Tas471933ENG1623
20Duffell Andrew453455ENG1623
21Buckell David J497177ENG1616
22Johnstone J GerryENG1613
23Weller ColinENG1610
24Bettley Mark S472085ENG1608
25Hara R MalcolmENG1608
26Slegg GaryWLS1592
27Bullock Lee425397ENG1584
28Ashton Alannah480681ENG1571
29Summerland David436607ENG1548
30Vdovycia TitasENG1479
31Babb FergusENG1465
32King SteveENG1465
33Jerome Stelio496847ENG1445
34Westhead Peter C433306ENG1405
35Scorer David M497215ENG1400
36Dakwa RufaroENG1393
37Meredith DanielENG1368
38Schofield MarkENG1323
39Hollyman MikeWLS1289
40Verma Anand431184ENG1164
41Pal Rhea493783ENG1083
42Boozorginia Zoya343093964ENG1081
43Kluckova Alzbeta456608ENG1057
44Asquith EmilyENG0
45Comish GaryENG0
46Coombs MatthewENG0
47Cooney NiallENG0
48Jenkins Theo498866ENG0
49Kapoor PruthviIND0
50Newton AlistairENG0
51Nilsson AdamENG0
52Pitel Benedikt496413ENG1134
53Samuels DanielENG0
54Taylor KaiENG0