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38th Bury St Edmunds Congress - Minor

Last update 24.10.2021 17:57:32, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 4 on 2021/10/24 at 09:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
15Ashworth Steven M1513 1 - 03 White Colin V15782
29Petrovai Robert14502 1 - 0 Faulkner Oliver15533
314Gardner Alan R13452 ½ - ½2 Kent Rowan14956
412Liu Jacob13552 0 - 12 Dickinson Richard132315
516Davies Rob1278 0 - 12 May David C14657
61Hornagold John1578 1 - 0 Weersing Nathan15334
78Ferris Oliver14501 ½ - ½1 Brewis Alan136010
817Kirby Brian12101 1 - 01 Walker Heather Enid121018
913Catabay Rezin C13531 1 - 0½ Bradshaw Craig135611
1019Coombes Ethan12000 1 bye