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38th Bury St Edmunds Congress - Major

Last update 24.10.2021 18:14:44, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 1 on 2021/10/23 at 09:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11Kenning Paul H18980 1 - 00 Esuperanzi Giovanni B178017
218Payne David J17800 0 - 10 Hartland Andrew D18762
33O'gorman Brendan18700 ½ - ½0 Ivan Austin175820
421Usher Michael E17160 0 - 10 Daugman John G18554
55Hall Antony C18550 0 - 10 Swiegers Francois169822
623Carter Dominic A16750 0 - 10 Waters Andrew C18486
77Cholewinski Jerzy18400 1 - 00 Valentine Glyn D166024
825Woolacott Rob16490 1 - 00 Harper V Ray18348
99Sarfas Robin18210 1 - 00 Emmerton Stephen J164626
1027Weston John F16300 0 - 10 Barnes Nathan181010
1111Stone Peter18070 0 - 10 Chamberlain Dereck J161528
1229De Block Gert16150 0 - 10 Jones Graeme180612
1313Greatorex Roger17980 1 - 00 Richmond Charles J160030
1431Mountford Corinne15930 0 - 10 Pert Max P178814
1515Pert Nina P17880 0 - 10 Catabay Mae C152532
1633Duff-Cole John A14350 0 - 10 Gaffney Samuel178716
1719Nelson Stuart17730 1 bye