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38th Bury St Edmunds Congress - Open

Last update 24.10.2021 18:49:39, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 1 on 2021/10/23 at 09:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
119Srivastava Arnav20280 0 - 10 Pert Richard G25151
22Merry Alan B24780 1 - 00 Faulkner Adam202020
321Hall David E20130 0 - 10 Haydon David L24033
44Pigott John C23500 1 - 00 Onslow Teddy198322
523De Coverly Roger D19790 ½ - ½0 Walker Martin G23055
66Onslow Alfie22450 1 - 00 Hutchinson Norman A195325
726Trivedi Aarnavh19530 0 - 10 Varnam Liam D22457
88Spence David J22300 1 - 00 Weersing Abigail R195227
928Faulkner Martin J19460 0 - 10 Anderson John22239
1010Waller Dan21860 1 - 00 Lenton Oliver J194529
1130Beveridge Nigel19300 0 - 10 White Russell P218511
1212Bonafont Philip R21250 1 - 00 Bovtramovics Vladimirs193031
1332Hirst Joe19300 ½ - ½0 Hughes Roy209513
1414Handley Michael R20870 ½ - ½0 Mcmahon Paul190833
1534Collins Jonathan L18920 1 - 00 Brixel Christof208515
1616Moyse Nigel J20580 0 - 10 Salgado Gorka S187035
1736Majeed Haroon17800 ½ - ½0 Woolacott Samuel J205017
1818Burrows Nick20450 1 - 00 Rajesh Bhramav172837
1924Taylor Robert K19600 ½ not paired