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DM 2021 Landsholdklassen - National Championship DEN

Last update 22.10.2021 23:18:09, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

Starting rank list of players

7GMThybo Jesper Sondergaard1438832DEN2602
9GMRasmussen Allan Stig1406000DEN2566
8GMChatalbashev Boris2900440DEN2536
1GMHansen Sune Berg1400266DEN2528
4GMSchandorff Lars1400070DEN2458
6IMHaubro Martin1414291DEN2426
10IMAntonsen Mikkel1401378DEN2409
2IMBorge Nikolaj1400312DEN2381
3IMFries-Nielsen Jens Ove1400142DEN2378
5FMRewitz Poul1401033DEN2264