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Darrera actualització08.10.2021 21:53:33, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.3)

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Rànquing inicial

1WFMMatute Escobar Roxanny3926028VEN1707
2Mujica Romero Juan Ramon3909379VEN1683
3Perez Perez Moises Asdrubal3926044VEN1545
4Chavez Garcia Vidaluz Gregoria3921883VEN1541
5Figueredo Graterol Andrea P.3935710VEN1432
6Di Loreto Salas Satriani Gabriel3978737VEN1430
7Di Loreto Salas Angel Daniel3978729VEN1294
8Cataldo Silva Anthony Joseph3981274VEN1263
9Cristancho Bolivar Jesus David3983048VEN1222
10Cordero Rivas Frenyer Leonardo3983030VEN1129
11Matute Hernandez Fabian Eduardo3976602VEN1059
12Di Loreto AbruzzyVEN0
13Escalona Oviedo Sebastian FranciscoVEN0
15Linarez BladimirVEN0
16Rivero Escobar Alan Axier3983072VEN0
17FMCastro Torres Jose Luis3901831VEN2186
18Garcia Mejias Carlos Eduardo3907945VEN2005