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First Saturday Nadassy Schev. October 2021

Last update 14.10.2021 08:17:21, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. A Team Higher Elo (RtgAvg:2056, TB1: 19 / TB2: 16)
1Poor Sandor1941HUN703460101½½11½½691819965,850,15203
2IMKahn Evarth Dr.2121HUN703257½11011½10691819967,35-1,3510-13,5
3IMFarago Sandor2105HUN7011901111½01½1791819977,26-0,2610-2,6
  2. B Team Lower Elo (RtgAvg:1819, TB1: 8 / TB2: 2)
1FMHradeczky Tamas2033HUN701467000½½00½12,59205692,54,23-1,7320-34,6
2AFMNagarkatte Vedant1731IND25636227½101½1½½0592056951,263,7440149,6
3AIMJagadeesh Balakrishnan1693SGP581765000000000½0,59205690,51,05-0,5520-11