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World Youth Chess Championship - U 18 Open ID FIDE - 59417

Last update 19.12.2011 01:49:12, Creator: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez,Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Player overview for FRA

21FMDi Nicolantonio Lucas2321FRA100½½111½5,53115-27,75U 18 Open
11FMBellahcene Bilel2311FRA1111½½100616158,40U 14 Open
41Meunier Clement1874FRA1010½01115,53915-13,05U 12 Open
9Tomasi Albert1626FRA0½1½101½15,526300,00U 8 Open
50Le Bail Arielle1847FRA01½½½1½0152700,00U 18 Girls
15Aflalo Sophie2090FRA01101100153015-33,60U 16 Girls
3WFMHaussernot Cecile2100FRA1½1½1½0015,51815-25,05U 14 Girls
56Hug Roxana1510FRA10½01½½½04551531,35U 12 Girls
23De Talance Berenice0FRA11000011½4,528300,00U 8 Girls

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
De Talance Berenice04 ½ - ½4 Sucari Quispe Narayana1311
Mollo Jhoan0 0 - 1 Tomasi Albert1626
Valyi Blanka Borbala17974 1 - 04 Hug Roxana1510
Meunier Clement1874 1 - 0 Aguilar Luis Miguel0
WFMHaussernot Cecile2100 1 - 05 Clavijo Indira1668
FMAntal Tibor Kende23526 1 - 06 FMBellahcene Bilel2311
Aflalo Sophie20904 1 - 04 Durmaz Ayca Fatma1840
Le Bail Arielle18474 1 - 04 Krumova Ani1977
FMDi Nicolantonio Lucas23215 ½ - ½5 Neves Pedro2222

Player details for FRA

De Talance Berenice 0 FRA Rp:1328 Pts. 4,5
120Cruz Richaud Hannah0MEX3,5w 1
23Gombocz Zsofia1448HUN5,5w 1
31WCMTran Vuong Mai Khanh1785VIE7s 0
44Lakshmi C1410IND6,5s 0
544Santana Vilcapoma Melyssa Ilda0PER5,5w 0
656Zotova Viktoria0RUS4,5s 0
737Pumahuanca Lopez Fiorella0PER3w 1
841Rocha Herrera Nicole Nathaly0PER3s 1
97Sucari Quispe Narayana1311PER4,5w ½
Tomasi Albert 1626 FRA Rp:1280 Pts. 5,5
155Metpally Jason0USA4,5w 0
243Kmetic Val0SLO4s ½
320Ayala Davila Francisco0ECU5w 1
450Maravi Jon0PER3,5s ½
557Moreno Vazquez Esteban0MEX3,5w 1
672Rubio Ramos Becquer Isaac0PER4,5s 0
745Krishnan Ajay0USA4,5s 1
848Lin Yi0CHN5,5w ½
956Mollo Jhoan0BOL4,5s 1
Hug Roxana 1510 FRA Rp:1699 Pts. 4
112Basto Suely1857BOL4,5w 10,110,891513,35
224Unuk Laura1737SLO7s 00,21-0,2115-3,15
330Strgacich Aylen1706ARG5w ½0,250,25153,75
426CMVescovi Katherine Lemos1722BRA4,5s 00,23-0,2315-3,45
531WFMDe Bruyn Aleida1704RSA4s 10,250,751511,25
627Pychova Nela1721CZE6w ½0,230,27154,05
735Tamarozi Isabelle1697BRA4s ½0,260,24153,60
823WFMKiolbasa Oliwia1741POL5w ½0,210,29154,35
917Valyi Blanka Borbala1797HUN5s 00,16-0,1615-2,40
Meunier Clement 1874 FRA Rp:1702 Pts. 5,5
1133Zhu Karl0NZL3,5w 1
28Chiku-Ratte Olivier-Kenta2094CAN5s 00,22-0,2215-3,30
381Perez Erick1602ECU4,5w 10,830,17152,55
44FMRambaldi Francesco2211ITA6s 00,12-0,1215-1,80
569Cadilhac Igor Tokuichi Kikuchi1701BRA4,5w ½0,73-0,2315-3,45
666Murga Caleb1713PER4,5s 00,71-0,7115-10,65
7108Gonzalez Carrillo Javier Omar0MEX3,5w 1
873Arismendi Efrain Steven1673COL3,5s 10,760,24153,60
993Aguilar Luis Miguel0BOL4,5w 1
WFM Haussernot Cecile 2100 FRA Rp:1924 Pts. 5,5
146Zalimben Maria Luz1732ARG4w 10,900,10151,50
228Franca Veronika1847SLO5s ½0,81-0,3115-4,65
322Valyi Adel1904HUN3,5w 10,750,25153,75
412Lasya G1958IND5,5s ½0,69-0,1915-2,85
530Dadello Aleksandra1826POL5w 10,830,17152,55
648WCMJansen Van Rensburg Monica1730RSA5s ½0,90-0,4015-6,00
76WCMChiang Sarah2056USA7w 00,56-0,5615-8,40
829Hincu Olga1846MDA5,5s 00,81-0,8115-12,15
956Clavijo Indira1668PER5w 10,920,08151,20
FM Bellahcene Bilel 2311 FRA Rp:2338 Pts. 6
177Villegas Franco1852ARG4,5w 10,920,08151,20
246Minko Vladimir2033RUS5,5s 10,830,17152,55
354Sanchez Sandoval Gonzalo1987CHI5w 10,870,13151,95
429Tan Justin2160AUS5,5s 10,700,30154,50
59FMGhosh Diptayan2341IND6,5s ½0,460,04150,60
65FMDuda Jan-Krzysztof2379POL6,5w ½0,410,09151,35
73FMBluebaum Matthias2403GER6,5s 10,370,63159,45
88FMAlekseenko Kirill2351RUS8w 00,44-0,4415-6,60
97FMAntal Tibor Kende2352HUN7s 00,44-0,4415-6,60
Aflalo Sophie 2090 FRA Rp:1871 Pts. 5
156Versosa Bravo Karen1753ECU4w 00,88-0,8815-13,20
262Kanagarajah Abbie1617AUS4s 10,920,08151,20
348Prado Alexandra1811BOL3,5w 10,840,16152,40
438Oliveira Maria Ines1870POR5,5s 00,78-0,7815-11,70
545Regam Jessica1818USA5w 10,830,17152,55
635Yun Chang1905CAN4,5s 10,740,26153,90
727WCMRovira Tairu1977VEN6w 00,65-0,6515-9,75
840Anjana Krishna S1858IND5s 00,79-0,7915-11,85
942Durmaz Ayca Fatma1840TUR4w 10,810,19152,85
Le Bail Arielle 1847 FRA Rp:2018 Pts. 5
115Kurbonboeva Sarvinoz2135UZB6,5s 00,16-0,1600,00
269Teixeira Mariana Ribeiro0BRA3w 1
327Benedetti Antonella2037ARG3,5s ½0,250,2500,00
419WFMPetrova Irina2106UKR5w ½0,180,3200,00
523WFMAinutdinova Yekaterina2067KAZ4,5s ½0,220,2800,00
628Shangarayeva Daiana2016KAZ4w 10,280,7200,00
716Martinez Ayelen2123ARG5,5s ½0,170,3300,00
818Schulz Anja2113GER5,5s 00,18-0,1800,00
932Krumova Ani1977BUL4w 10,320,6800,00
FM Di Nicolantonio Lucas 2321 FRA Rp:2092 Pts. 5,5
167Olson Hamish1965SCO5w 10,890,11151,65
244Mamani Joan Franco2146PER4,5s 00,73-0,7315-10,95
354Benitez Lozano Javier2068MEX4w 00,81-0,8115-12,15
469Bornheim Craig1909RSA4s ½0,92-0,4215-6,30
568Li Hui1947MAC4w ½0,90-0,4015-6,00
686Pon Matt1656RSA4s 10,920,08151,20
760Salazar Loor Rodger2021ECU4w 10,850,15152,25
843Aguiar Lucas2176BRA5s 10,690,31154,65
936Neves Pedro2222POR5,5w ½0,64-0,1415-2,10