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GM Rujna Zora 5

Last update 30.10.2021 13:28:43, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

8GMIniyan P25002767IND2529
2IMMakarian Rudik44105681RUS2470
1GMSavic Miodrag R920479SRB2433
7Avinash Ramesh45018340IND2424
6GMDizdarevic Emir14400049BIH2423
9IMRamoutar Alan-Safar7704224TTO2400
3IMNitin S.5018277IND2381
5Raahul V S25035525IND2344
10IMPanic Nenad925799SRB2326
4FMMahitosh Dey25091468IND2229