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Western Cape Closed 2021 Prestige

Last update 25.09.2021 17:20:18, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Minnaar

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Starting rank

1Willenberg GlenRSA1691
2Braaf JiraanRSA1642
3Frank DanielRSA1640
4Willenberg ShaunRSA1572
5Kapp EttieneRSA1539
6Le Fleur ShaunRSA1538
7Macheka ClaytonRSA1526
8Nieuwoudt DawidRSA1492
9Mhembere MunasheRSA1452
10WJoubert NatashaRSA1446
11Hemeni SimamnkeleRSA1441
12Ncethelo BongolethuRSA1438
13De Vries CheslinRSA1431
14Taute ClaydenRSA1430
15Ebrahim NiyaazRSA1399
16Matthys AllistairRSA1388
17Waguta BrooklynRSA1376
18Moollajee RehaanRSA1360
19Van Wyk AldrichRSA1338
20Snijders GerardRSA1334
21Nel RowanRSA1325
22Lewaks AndreRSA1322
23Goosen PierreRSA1305
24Esau OmarRSA1295
25Cunningham LezerickRSA1293
26Fortune IvanRSA1153