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Joytu Sheikh Hasina International Grandmasters Chess Tournament 2021

Last update 27.09.2021 12:47:37, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Player overview for SRI

27FMPiyumantha M Sasith Nipun22312231SRI1½01010104,5292204200,00
33CMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan21972197SRI½1001½10152323704076,40

Results of the last round for SRI

Rd.Bo.No. NameGrFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameGrFEDRtg No.
GMZubarev AlexanderUKR2409 1 - 0 FMPiyumantha M Sasith NipunSRI2231
IMLodhi MahmoodPAK23344 0 - 14 CMLiyanage Ranindu DilshanSRI2197

Player details for SRI

FM Piyumantha M Sasith Nipun 2231 SRI Rp:2204 Pts. 4,5
158Marzouq Chowdhury18011801BAN3w 10,890,11202,20
211IMKoustav Chatterjee24312431IND5,5s ½0,240,26205,20
37IMAronyak Ghosh24402440IND6,5w 00,23-0,2320-4,60
443Swarnavo Choudhury20792079BAN4s 10,700,30206,00
56GMMalakhatko Vadim24472447BEL6s 00,22-0,2220-4,40
659Sakline Mostafa Sajid17701770BAN3,5w 10,890,11202,20
718IMMohammad Fahad Rahman23392339BAN4,5s 00,35-0,3520-7,00
840CMMd. Sharif Hossain21182118BAN4,5w 10,650,35207,00
915GMZubarev Alexander24092409UKR5,5s 00,27-0,2720-5,40
CM Liyanage Ranindu Dilshan 2197 SRI Rp:2370 Pts. 5
12GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan25362536IRI5,5s ½0,120,384015,20
234FMAhmed Sheikh Nasir21852185BAN5w 10,520,484019,20
314IMSammed Jaykumar Shete24122412IND5,5s 00,23-0,2340-9,20
44GMMosadeghpour Masoud24862486IRI6,5w 00,16-0,1640-6,40
542CMNayem Haque20802080BAN3,5s 10,660,344013,60
616IMAbdyjapar Asyl24092409KGZ5,5w ½0,230,274010,80
723FMSubrota Biswas22822282BAN4s 10,380,624024,80
829Sourath Biswas22192219IND5w 00,47-0,4740-18,80
919IMLodhi Mahmood23342334PAK4s 10,320,684027,20