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Joytu Sheikh Hasina International Grandmasters Chess Tournament 2021

Last update 27.09.2021 12:47:37, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Player overview for IRI

2GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan25362536IRI½01½11½015,515234710-15,70
4GMMosadeghpour Masoud24862486IRI1½01½½1116,56247010-0,40

Results of the last round for IRI

Rd.Bo.No. NameGrFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameGrFEDRtg No.
GMMosadeghpour MasoudIRI2486 1 - 0 IMMitrabha GuhaIND2467
GMGhaem Maghami EhsanIRI2536 1 - 0 FMRahman Md. TaiburBAN2199

Player details for IRI

GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan 2536 IRI Rp:2347 Pts. 5,5
133CMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan21972197SRI5w ½0,88-0,3810-3,80
23GMSengupta Deep25272527IND5,5s 00,51-0,5110-5,10
347Jabed Al Azad20332033BAN3,5w 10,890,11101,10
428CMZia Tahsin Tajwar22292229BAN4,5s ½0,86-0,3610-3,60
544CMChowdhury Sohel20752075BAN4,5w 10,890,11101,10
624IMMohammad Minhaz Uddin22792279BAN4,5s 10,820,18101,80
79IMMohammad Nubairshah Shaikh24322432IND6w ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
810IMDas Sayantan24312431IND6,5s 00,64-0,6410-6,40
932FMRahman Md. Taibur21992199BAN4,5w 10,880,12101,20
GM Mosadeghpour Masoud 2486 IRI Rp:2470 Pts. 6,5
135FMMehdi Hasan Parag21772177BAN3,5w 10,860,14101,40
217GMHossain Enamul24022402BAN5,5s ½0,62-0,1210-1,20
320GMKislinsky Alexey23282328CZE5w 00,71-0,7110-7,10
433CMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan21972197SRI5s 10,840,16101,60
522Subhayan Kundu23012301IND5,5w ½0,74-0,2410-2,40
630FMChatterjee Debaraj22062206BAN4,5s ½0,84-0,3410-3,40
726IMAbu Sufian Shakil22422242BAN4,5w 10,800,20102,00
814IMSammed Jaykumar Shete24122412IND5,5s 10,600,40104,00
95IMMitrabha Guha24672467IND6,5w 10,530,47104,70