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Joytu Sheikh Hasina International Grandmasters Chess Tournament 2021

Last update 27.09.2021 12:47:37, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Player overview for BEL

6GMMalakhatko Vadim24472447BEL1½½½1½01169241910-2,70

Results of the last round for BEL

Rd.Bo.No. NameGrFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameGrFEDRtg No.
Sourath BiswasIND22195 0 - 15 GMMalakhatko VadimBEL2447

Player details for BEL

GM Malakhatko Vadim 2447 BEL Rp:2419 Pts. 6
137Anata Choudhury21642164BAN3,5w 10,840,16101,60
220GMKislinsky Alexey23282328CZE5s ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
317GMHossain Enamul24022402BAN5,5w ½0,56-0,0610-0,60
426IMAbu Sufian Shakil22422242BAN4,5s ½0,76-0,2610-2,60
527FMPiyumantha M Sasith Nipun22312231SRI4,5w 10,780,22102,20
612GMRahman Ziaur24242424BAN6,5s ½0,53-0,0310-0,30
722Subhayan Kundu23012301IND5,5w 00,70-0,7010-7,00
818IMMohammad Fahad Rahman23392339BAN4,5w 10,650,35103,50
929Sourath Biswas22192219IND5s 10,790,21102,10