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4ta. Etapa Grand Prix STD Trebejos 2021


Last update 04.12.2021 14:21:48, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank list

1NMLopez Jorge3000850URU21222260
2Avedisian Alexander3005011URU19042000
3Martinez Fernando3002373URU18511964
4Pena Alfredo3003140URU18071978
5Kulik Nicolas3009530URU17671963U18
6Moreno Diego3008835URU16861823U18
7Vinella Marcelo3006158URU16841805
8Moreno Nelson3002101URU16381718
9Bon Charles3006859URU15861619
10Romero Juan3012336URU15701625U18
11Rocca Jose3008142URU15651631
12Meneses Eduardo3000265URU14881549
13Souto Andres3007634URU13061360
14Olivera Omar3011127URU12991319
15Perez Luis3014207URU12781605
16Bianco Rocio3009556URU12301265U18
17Aguirre Juan3014487URU00
18Gonzalez Fabian3016064URU00