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De playoffs beginnen om 16:30.

NK E Jeugd Waalwijk 2021

Last update 15.09.2021 10:12:45, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Starting rank

1Aravindhan Achyuth1628
2Katpatal Akshaj1555
3Terlouw Wouter1503
4Zecha Oscar1455
5Nijhuis Daniel1262
6Thijssen Freek1216
7Mohebbinezhad Parsa1205
8Kumar Prayan Sai1179
9Geldof Max1157
10Ritzerveld Noah1129
11Rooijakkers Liam1055
12Gang Kevin Wan Ze1053
13Etienne Ghilon1012
14Los Evan944
15Koppenens Oscar928
16Drenthen Abel918
17Leenen Boyd890
18Guillaumond Matthieu884
19Bhawsar Ashwath880
20Gohil Viaan851
21Dinanath Hrdya814
22Tetova Amir749
23Kempenaar Lutzen731
24Sprong Mehran667
25Zhang Eric644
26Friedel Floris638
27Saravanan Jeevan593
28Lei Andy576
29Brorens Victor521
30Li Yuhong323
31Drijer Joshua0
32Koppelaar Ceder0
33Langeveld Jonathan0
34Mittal Aashray0
35Pathak Raghav0
36Van Weel Job0