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XXXI Panamerican Youth Chess Festival 2021 - RAPID ONLINE Girls U08Posledná aktualizácia 16.09.2021 18:09:48, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | EloF | pohlavie | Typ |
1 | | | Ruiz Flores Zoe Dannae | 3865177 | 0 | w | |
2 | | | Guzman Garcia Mia Fernanda | 5173639 | 0 | w | |
3 | | | Endara Quillahuaman Chaska Nicole | 3872505 | 1010 | w | |
4 | | | Jimenez Salas Fabiana | 3851494 | 0 | w | |
5 | | | Aguilar Huaraca Briana Camila | 3879348 | 0 | w | |
6 | | | Leake Emilia-Rose | 7407238 | 0 | w | |
7 | | | Soto Encinas Megan Aylean | 3879259 | 0 | w | |
8 | | | Mandujano Alagon Ghaydaa Ceneth | 3879879 | 0 | w | |
9 | | | Genovez Vega Maria Abigail | 3862755 | 0 | w | |