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First Saturday September 2021 Nadassy Scheveningen

Last update 15.09.2021 19:31:51, Creator/Last Upload: Odesa CF

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. Stronger (RtgAvg:2056, TB1: 22,5 / TB2: 15)
1CMGiang Tran Nam1972HUN79190300½00½½00½2101962
2Poor Sandor1971HUN7034601½0½10100½4,5101962
3IMKahn Evarth Dr.2115HUN70325701½1½11½117,5101934
4IMFarago Sandor2164HUN701190111111101½8,5101933
  2. Weaker (RtgAvg:1948, TB1: 17,5 / TB2: 5)
1Mayank Chakraborty2028IND2565976610½½10011½5,5102058
2Reh Philipp2007GER462412201000½0½1½3,5102039
3Laddha Yash Jayesh2031USA309427801½½0½1½10½5,5102053
4Toth Lili1724HUN1700008400110001003102072