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14th Internat. chess tourn. for the blind and partially sighted 2021 14th Mednarodni šahovski turnir za slepe in slabovidne 2021

Darrera actualització08.09.2021 12:45:17, Creador/Darrera càrrega: ŠS Tomo Zupan KR

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Rànquing inicial

1Tuka Oleg14114453UKR2340
2Wassin Sergej14103494UKR2252
3Kolpakov Vladyslav14136996UKR2223
4Grigorchuk Sergey14114879UKR2213
5Shepelev Igor14114909UKR2095
6Mlacnik Franc14601923SLO1998
7Znuderl Matej14604337SLO1901
8Muri Emil14601354SLO1782
9Cizman Gregor14605660SLO1513
10Gradisek Bor14635828SLO1197
11Stimec Marjan14653192SLO0
12Galani Mahendra1666827AUT0