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First Saturday IM September 2021

Darrera actualització15.09.2021 19:29:29, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Odesa CF

Llista del rànquing inicial

9GMAkesson Ralf1700120SWE2389
6GMIlincic Zlatko900346SRB2381
7Polyik Peter758817HUN2327
1FMFiedorek Michal1199528POL2297
3FMUrhegyi Marton740411HUN2273
4FMMahitosh Dey25091468IND2254
10IMNemeth Zoltan700657HUN2229
8WFMBommini Mounika Akshaya25019872IND2158
2Laddha Shubh Jayesh30942799USA2157
5FMLyell Mark402354ENG2142