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Last update 03.11.2021 21:51:53, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Nemtsas Hristoforos1756GRE 24b1 32w1 26b1 8w1 6w1 2b1 7w1728,5207
2Georgiadis Anastasios1662GRE 28b1 3w½ 27b1 10w1 11b1 1w0 9b15,530205
3Anastasopoulos Angelos1795GRE 15w1 2b½ 19w1 4b0 23w1 14b1528,5204
4Koukouves Vlasios1627GRE 38b1 27w1 6w0 34b1 3w1 7b0 13w152619,55
5Dimitriou Georgios1907GRE 14w1 19b0 23w½ 26b1 20w1 10b1525,518,54
6Giannoulis Grigorios1789GRE 33b1 7w1 4b1 11w1 1b0 9w0 8b½4,530,5214
Tsotras Ioannis1639GRE 17w1 6b0 41w1 32b1 9w½ 4w1 1b04,530,5214
8Raptakis Solon1828GRE 23b½ 25w1 36b+ 1b0 13w½ 12b1 6w½4,528,518,52
9Papaoulakis Isidoros1569GRE 37w1 12b1 11w0 36b+ 7b½ 6b1 2w04,52619,53
10Koerant Filipos1747GRE 13w½ 22b1 23w1 2b0 12w½ 21b1 5w0427,5193
11Panagiotakos Petros1701GRE 30w1 39b+ 9b1 6b0 2w0 13b0 24w1427193
12Samaras Georgios1723GRE 21b1 9w0 14b1 26w½ 10b½ 8w0 23b+426192
13Bantekas Achilleas1357GRE 10b½ 19w0 42b1 25w1 8b½ 11w1 4b0424,5183
14Ioannidis Ilias1309GRE 40w1 5b0 12w0 37b1 28w1 19b1 3w0424184
15Chantzopoulos Theodoros1531GRE 3b0 42w½ 29b1 20w½ 27b½ 34w+ 19w½423,5171
16Petropoulos Filaretos1687GRE -0 24b1 21w0 30b1 26w+ 17w½42316,52
17Vaidanis Ektor1176GRE 7b0 33w½ 20b0 35w1 29b1 24w1 16b½422,516,53
18Iatrou Konstantinos1430GRE 27b0 28w1 34b0 38w1 23b0 29w+ 25w1419,514,53
19Synetos Dionysios1743GRE 31w½ 13b1 5w1 3b0 21b½ 14w0 15b½3,527,5202
20Apostolopoulos Dimitrios P.1634GRE -0 17w1 15b½ 33w1 5b0 21w½3,525,5182
21Galanopoulos Efraim1284GRE 12w0 37b1 16b1 19w½ 10w0 20b½3,523,518,52
22Lepetsos Georgios1199GRE 25b½ 10w0 33b0 29w0 42b1 38w1 28w+3,51812,52
23Mokas Vasilios1540GRE 8w½ 43b+ 10b0 5b½ 18w1 3b0 12w-328,520,51
24Andreou Stefanos1401GRE 1w0 35b1 16w0 30b1 34w1 17b0 11b0325,5173
25Mengoulis Konstantinos1680GRE 22w½ 8b0 30w½ 13b0 31w1 33b1 18b032215,52
26Athanasakopoulos Alexandros1605GRE 29b1 34w1 1w0 12b½ 5w0 16b- -02,529192
27Sideris Theodoros1781GRE 18w1 4b0 2w0 41b1 15w½ -0 -02,527,519,52
28Papanikos Konstantinos1184GRE 2w0 18b0 42w1 14b0 37w1 22b-2,521,5152
29Poupalos Ionas1062GRE 26w0 30b½ 15w0 22b1 17w0 18b- 38b12,52115,52
30Panaidis Fragkiskos1234GRE 11b0 29w½ 25b½ 24w0 16w0 35b1 31b½2,520,5151
31Konstantinidis Sofronios1073GRE 19b½ 40w0 -0 25b0 42w+ 30w½2,520150
32Kazantzoglou Stefanos1610GRE 35w1 1b0 40b1 7w0 -0 -0 -0226,5182
33Tourkolias Dimitrios1471GRE 6w0 17b½ 22w1 20b0 25w0 -022517,51
34Konstantinidis Michail N1724GRE 41w1 26b0 18w1 4w0 24b0 15b- -022416,52
35ACMKaratzanos Konstantinos1143GRE 32b0 24w0 38b0 17b0 -1 30w0 37b1216,511,51
36Malliaros Stavros1696GRE 42b1 8w- 9w- -0 -0 -01,523171
37Kazantzoglou Aristotelis1011GRE 9b0 21w0 -1 14w0 38b½ 28b0 35w01,519,5140
38Karapappas Nikolaos1173GRE 4w0 41b0 35w1 18b0 37w½ 22b0 29w01,519,513,51
39Xynidi Areti0GRE -1 11w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0122,5160
40Spalas Symeon Konstaninos1735GRE 14b0 31b1 32w0 -0 -0 -0 -0121151
41Poupalos Alexandros1302GRE 34b0 38w1 7b0 27w0 -0 -0 -0120141
42Pletsia Konstantina1210GRE 36w0 15b½ 13w0 28b0 22w0 31b- -00,52115,50
43Tsouptsis Sotirios1895GRE 23w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,52014,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable