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Ostersunds SS KM 2021

Darrera actualització16.12.2021 17:06:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: jamt-chess

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Rànquing inicial

1Ferm Simon1746740SWE1757
2Oberg Bengt1729900SWE1632
3Johansson Henrik1718347SWE1628
4Fetterplace Cameron1743724SWE1497
5Sahlin Axel1752731SWE1373U20
6Alzain AshrafSWE0U20
7Kanounji Bashar1770322SWE0U20
8Westerlund Berndt1729861SWE0
9Persson Lehnhardt GabrielSWE0U20
10Vellios Lukas1769022SWE0
11Akerlind Nielsen MelvinSWE0U20
12Mugisha JosephatSWE0U20
13Svalander Sam1769030SWE0
14Rahman Zerin1769057SWE0