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Vasyl Ivanchuk Chess School Championship with the CM norm

Darrera actualització26.09.2021 16:05:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Lviv Region CF

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Rànquing inicial

1Polulikh Bogdan14122790UKR2293
2FMPrydun Andriy14145898UKR2184
3Smykalo Severyn14190621UKR1959
4Kovalchuk Ivan34112472UKR1947
5Nagornyy Dmitry14135132UKR1926
6Salevich Volodimir14116600UKR1805
7Hnatyshyn Anastasiia14198339UKR1764
8Kopystianskyy Sergiy34117954UKR1670
9Tyshniuk Roman14191113UKR1622
10Pentsko Stanislav34132422UKR1484
11Velychko Semen34125140UKR1447
12Zhuk Maksym14191407UKR1391
13Lemeshchuk Roman14192144UKR1376
14Harasym Danylo34147772UKR1369
15Masnyak Yuriy34161627UKR1323
16Molchanov Roman34131086UKR1252
17Velychko Sofiya34125159UKR1240
18Sobol Matvii34160418UKR1224
19Synytska Anna34127232UKR1196
20Perevorska Oleksandra34160361UKR0
21Sokhanskyi Rostyslav34150080UKR0