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Országos Ifjúsági Sakk Csapatbajnokság 2011 Miskolc 60745 HUN YouthCh. 2011

Last update 30.11.2011 08:41:33, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 7

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Final Ranking after 8 Rounds

Rk.SNoFEDTeamGroupGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
11Haladás VSE I.86023312233175,5
24Hungaropharma Decs84223210226,5171,5
42Atomerőmű SE Paks861131,513231,5174,5
59Barcza I.860229,512206154
65Aquaprofit Nagykanizsai Tungsram SK833229,59231175
710Tóth László SE85032910222165,5
916Sárkány DSE I.85212812211,5155,5
108Nyíregyházi Sakkiskola SE I.833227,59202,5156,5
1111Röszkei SK832327,58206,5153,5
127Maróczy Géza SE86022712212,5159,5
1312Géniusz SE850326,510218,5165,5
1435BEAC I.851225,511195,5144
1527HEMO SE Veszprém851225,511195,5142,5
1629Kazincbarcika VSC850325,510190140,5
1724Huszár Gál Debrecen842225,510175138
1826Dunaharaszti SE841325,59190,5147
1917Fabulon Lombik-Első Szombat SC832325,58202152
2020MÁV Előre SC831425,57205,5152,5
2113Csepeli TK8413259210156,5
2218Miskolci Kisbocsok I.8413259200151
2322Sárvár SC8404258201,5152
2414Csuti SK8314257193,5145
2523Pénzügyőr SE832324,58200,5151,5
2642Miskolci Kisbocsok II.832324,58190,5143
2719Vasas SC8413249211159,5
2828Marcali SC8323248206152,5
2921Kisbér Ászár SC I.8305246201,5153,5
3040HÜSI SC850323,510188,5139,5
3137Dési STSE840423,58182139
3225Delfin SE831423,57190,5145,5
3336Barcza II.830523,56185,5136
3531Sárkány DSE II.8404238180,5143,5
3639Kőbánya SC I.8404228174132,5
3730EMSE I.8305226191143
3845Dombóvár 2004 SE8305226183,5138
3938Haladás VSE II.830521,56196148,5
4043Tabáni Spartacus830521,56173130
4149Barcza IV.8305216148,5116,5
4233Nyíregyházi Sakkiskola SE II.8116213197149
4315Honvéd Auróra SE833220,59182,5137
4546Edelényi SE8305206164,5124,5
4641Barcza III.830519,56176,5134,5
4748Szendrő VSSZK8224186153,5120,5
4851Miskolci Kisbocsok III.820617,54149115
4947BEAC II.8215165153,5115
5052Tiszaújvárosi SC820615,54148115
5134Kisbér Ászár SC II.810714,52143108
5250EMSE II.81077,52155,5115,5

Tie Break1: points (normal points + points from the qualifying rounds)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)