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IRT Sub 2200 Bucaramanga Ciudad Bonita 2021

Last update 05.09.2021 20:45:20, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Sanchez Castellanos German Alex3907589VEN2125UTS
2Romero Martinez Filadelfo4416007SUC2027
3Marquez Benjamin4412826SAN2000
4Caicedo Solano Eduardo4429222SAN1858Chessfy
5Gonzalez Delgado Hugo Andres4440013SAN1858El Alfil
6Suarez Pinto Sergio Rafael4418085SAN1854UIS
7Jaimes Fredy Alexander4418514SAN1843Disc Visual Superamigos
8Jaimes Rios Luis Alejandro4490487SAN1842UDES
9Acosta Cruz Luis Ivan4411498SAN1773Disc Visual
10Rico Hernandez Edgar4427823SAN1772Disc Visual
11Rivera Suarez Cesar Dario4488849SAN1718El Alfil
12Ibanez Hernando Ivan4490525SAN1716
13Cancino Johan Camilo4442520SAN1651Disc Visual
14Carvajal Barreto Johan Sebastian4454839SAN1649El Alfil
15Sandoval Cesar4406532SAN1601Barranca
16Avila Gonzalez Juan Jose3927385VEN1593
17Virviescas S Christian Stewart4417151SAN1569Piedecuesta
18Jaimes Florez Lucy Janeth4445937SAN1524
19Gonzalez Suarez Nelson4410530SAN1490Piedecuesta
20Avila Vargas Juan Manuel3946614VEN1475
21Marin Campos Doandris Javier3967867VEN1471
22Cardenas Briceno Eloy4427696SAN1469Giron
23Gonzalez Bolivar Juan Jose4491467SAN1450Chessfy
24Rueda Rojas Richard Alejandro4491505SAN1358Chessfy
25Narvaez Guerra Manuel Jose4490517SAN1643UIS
26Barona Sanchez Heider4490509SAN1627
27Cuadros Pena Albert Andretti4497511SAN1600UIS
28Realpe Amaya Yeirson Dario4496264SAN1600Chessfy
29Hernandez Serrano Cristhian Daniel4490533SAN1590Chessfy
30Celis Mantilla Daniel Mauricio4490584SAN1582UIS
31Velandia Sandoval Ivan Ramiro4490657SAN1569El Alfil
32Romero Villamizar Carlos Alirio4497490SAN1551Giron
33Rodriguez Munoz Luis Hernando4427831SAN1540Giron
34Rosas Rico Leonardo4490541SAN1487UCC
35Jaimes Franco Francisco Javier4432541SAN1375UDI
36Moreno Hernandez Andres Mauricio4488539SAN1360Chessfy
37Florez Leidy Lucila4489128SAN1316Disc Visual
38Sanchez Fonseca Alejandro4497562SAN1300Chessfy
39Barajas Hernandez Nestor GiovanySAN0Disc Visual
40Duarte Zuniga JimySAN0
41Garrido Osorio Oscar DarioSAN0
42Mateus Patino Paula AndreaSAN0Disc Visual
43Motato Soto Juan AlejandroSAN0Socorro
44Ponton Estacio Juan SebastianSAN0Barranca
45Quintero Vargas Camilo EstebanSAN0