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IRT Sub 1600 Cerrado Invierno UOM San Luis

Last update 10.08.2021 21:25:27, Creator/Last Upload: jab2016

Starting rank list of players

10Sanchez Fabian148628ARG1521San Francisco San Luis
9Najurieta Tiziano155004ARG1467Juana Koslay San Luis
8Santamaria Martin Alejandro185884ARG1395Rio 4 Cordoba
6Rodriguez Claudio168599ARG1369San Luis
3Urviola Luis189650ARG1297San Luis
5Cabrera Melian195014ARG1136La Punta San Luis
4Caceres Milagros181951ARG1080San Luis
2Chesi NazarenoARG0Suyuque Nuevo San Luis
7Gutierrez Juan ManuelARG0San Luis
1Paris AdolfoARG0El Morro San Luis