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Championnat national individuel 2021. Phase finale

Last update 30.08.2021 08:33:44, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1IMAmba Oyon Marius Claude16400240CMR1960
2FMEbosse Kingue Victor Patrick16400291CMR1960
3Metuno Kuete Bleriot Rocalixt16401131CMR1900
4Zebaze Dongmo Loic Dylane16401107CMR1889
5Banlock Benjamin Didier15800059CMR1880
6Penda Sone Guy Philippe16400500CMR1880
7Tchuenbou Michael16400704CMR1877
8Lobe Belhe Prosper16401190CMR1874
9Yenke Mbeuyo Marius16401468CMR1860
10Fouda Tocko Paul Aristide16400801CMR1840
11Noumbo Vidal16401298CMR1840
12Tsopgni Duhamel16401310CMR1840
13Djomou Maximilien Kouahou16400275CMR1820
14Fomena Kammalac Stevin16400321CMR1820
15Ikouti Elie16400364CMR1800
16Nzouwo Fomazou Bernis16400437CMR1800
17Waffo Modjom Luc Mathurin16401778CMR1783
18Gnounewou Seraphin Fopa16400356CMR1780
19Mbaale Paul Gerard16400780CMR1780
20Meli Fouoken Armel Junior16401387CMR1780
21Nkongyum Prosper Akwo16401727CMR1777
22Rissouk A Moulong Jean-Yves16400828CMR1760
23Hassan Mouliom16401719CMR1756
24Tchakounte Joel16401484CMR1742
25Ndong Hubert16401360CMR1731
26Ngoupaye Talee Carles16401751CMR1680