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Grodno-Open-2021. Turnir H

Last update 11.08.2021 13:49:05, Creator/Last Upload: Korneevets Alexander (Belarus, Minsk)

Starting rank list of players

2GMTihonov JurijBLR2357
5IMPakhomov AlexeyRUS2315
6IMNovitzkij DmitrijBLR2313
7FMMaliush AndreiBLR2290
3FMStribuk ArtiomBLR2241
1WIMSmirnova EkaterinaRUS2222
8Cherepov AlexejBLR2194
4Bazyrtsyrenov KirillRUS2191
10Egorov PavelRUS2180
9Piliposyan RobertARM2113