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Vezerkepzo IM July

Darrera actualització06.08.2021 14:45:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Slovak Chess Federation license 22

Llista del rànquing inicial

1IMBorhy Marcell770787HUN2386
3FMEgresi Mate738506HUN2383
2FMAjay Karthikeyan35011685IND2356
11IMJakab Attila709727HUN2339
4IMBalla Tamas-Kristof1208497ROU2336
8IMNemeth Zoltan700657HUN2223
10Palczert Matyas784958HUN2195
9Rohit S46633847IND2189
6AIMAayush Bhattacherjee35029070IND2180
5Fule Simon787515HUN2162
7Kumar Naman30908922USA2141