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Selection Event for 2021 FIDE Online World Chess Olympiad - GRAND FINALS (Girls)

Last update 28.07.2021 15:21:45, Creator/Last Upload: RiChess Masters

Starting rank list of players

1WIMMordido Kylen Joy5219086PHI1923Kylnmd
8WFMDoroy Allaney Jia G5216729PHI1919allanney_doroy01
9Lacambra Jarel Renz5232430PHI1681Jarel_Lacambra
6San Diego Jerlyn Mae5213401PHI1670jerlynsandiego03
10WNMTan Mary Joy5217970PHI1569maryjoytan15
5Juzeia Marielle Agne5255767PHI1475MielAgne1218
2WNMSebastian Mhage Gerriahlou5217962PHI1414mhagesebastian
3WNMMarticio Jersey5236215PHI1255Jersey_Marticio
7WNMRegidor Kaye Lalaine5229820PHI1223kayeregidor
4Ordizo Kate NicolePHI0Kate_Nicole_Ordizo