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Arab Elite Chess Championship 2011 25th Sep to 2nd Oct 2011

Darrera actualització02.10.2011 12:39:53, Creador: UAE Chess Federation,Darrera càrrega: IA Abdulrahim Mahdi

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Rànquing inicial

1GMAdly AhmedEGY2605
2GMAl-Modiahki MohamadQAT2564
3GMSalem A R SalehUAE2489
4IMTissir MohamedMAR2454
5IMKhader SamiJOR2416
6IMAl-Zendani ZendanYEM2396
7IMEid FadiLBN2381
8FMMohammad SamirSYR2349
9FMNjili KamelTUN2329
10Elarbi AbobkerLBA2273
11FMAyyad HusainBRN2206
12Al-Hageri BadrKUW2130
13Yaaqoub RashidSUD2102
14Daouda Sabar OusmaneMTN2097
15Tamra AttallahPLE2090