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Online Tamil Nadu State Junior Girls (Under 20) Chess Championship 2021 Provisional Standings - Final Standings will be uploaded after FPP Screening

Last update 19.07.2021 14:27:10, Creator/Last Upload: vlanandh

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Starting rank list

1Savitha Shri B35061887IND2281Cgl
2Srimathi R25065378IND1944Mdu
3Rindhiya V25040529IND1855Che
4Achaya Vijayan35094360IND1790KK
5Sasvatha A45010862IND1773Cgl
6Tejasvi M25012290IND1717Che
7Swapna C N45050449IND1536Cgl
8Femil Chelladurai35094580IND1506KK
9Trisha B25701843IND1465Che
10Genita Gladys A35077660IND1418Ero
11Pushpa Angela V25653997IND1380Tut
12Lakshana Subramanian25728008IND1319Svg
13Akshaya B25760190IND1297Tlr
14Riya Shannon S46656731IND1220KK
15Amulya Guruprasad25683896IND1143Cgl
16Prethepa Aravind Senthil Kumar45028753IND1138Slm
17Jayashri M25644580IND1113Cbe
18Swetha Sri R25978551IND1102Mdu
19Shanmathi Sree S25966413IND1091Che
20Shrinidhi S25698990IND1076Cbe
21Rakshatha S A25709755IND1057Slm
22Mareeswari K25671502IND1051Vnr
23Harini M C25688715IND1025Tvm
24Charudharshini R25975366IND1011Mdu
25Aji Shree A33315639IND0Tnv
26Anusri S33384274IND0Slm
27Danika ValentinaIND0Che
28Eniya L SIND0Slm
29Janani PIND0Vnr
30Karthika K S25180096IND0Che
31Laksna Sri R25979957IND0Kar
32Meenakshi P25926284IND0Tlr
33Nishma B U25967150IND0KK
34Pavithra N25967509IND0KK
35Pranavasri SIND0Tlr
36Sahana Shainsha33306729IND0Mdu
37Shivani V HIND0Tlr
38Shubha Harini S V25601474IND0Ero
39Vedavarshni T G25745263IND0Cbe
40Yuthiga A V25176048IND0Cud
41Visalini NIND0Kan
42Sasikala SIND0Kan