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Live games at: https://www.englishchess.org.uk/muswellhill/ and thanks to the ECF for the use of their server to broadcast the games!

Muswell Hill IM 9-13 August 2021 Live games at: https://www.englishchess.org.uk/muswellhill/

Il sito e stato aggiornato il17.08.2021 12:37:09, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: chessengland.com

Elenco giocatori ordinati per ELO

9GMCherniaev Alexander4117301RUS2438
4IMWadsworth Matthew J415804ENG2416
10FMMurphy Conor E421669IRL2382
5FMCzopor Maciej21805431POL2376
7IMWall Gavin2501244IRL2326
1FMWebb Laurence E402389ENG2293
6FMGrieve Harry426520ENG2282
8CMBalaji Aaravamudhan436224ENG2273
2FMBlackburn Jonathan L B1801090WLS2235
3CMVilliers Thomas427209ENG2165