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Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Classical Biel International Chess Festival 2021

Last update 04.08.2021 16:48:29, Creator/Last Upload: anarulez

Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED12345678Pts. TB1 
1GMKamsky Gata2658USA*½½1½1½150
2GMAlekseenko Kirill2699RUS½*1½0½1½40
GMGelfand Boris2675ISR½0*110½140
4GMKeymer Vincent2591GER0½0*½1½13,50
5GMLagarde Maxime2648FRA½10½*½½030
GMPichot Alan2630ARG0½10½*½½30
GMNihal Sarin2620IND½0½½½½*½30
8GMStuder Noel2581SUI0½001½½*2,50

Tie Break1: Manually input (after Tie-Break matches)