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High School Chess Tournament July 2021

Last update 04.07.2021 13:42:34, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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Starting rank list

1Bambara Juste DarcyBDI0
2Deborah Niyonzima20300441BDI0
3Irabaruta Noryve FreemanBDI0
4Iradukunda JospinBDI0
5Kubuntu JosuéBDI0
6Manolios AndreasBDI0
7Muco EnockBDI0
8Niyonzima DavidBDI0
9Niyonzima JosuéBDI0
10Nizigiyimana GiftBDI0
11Njeng Samuel NgalaBDI0
12Ruhongore Guy Mortel MichaelBDI0
13Sentore Larry Kim DonaldBDI0
14Yerasi AarnaBDI0