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Tournoi Rapide Jeunes 26 juin 2021

Վերջին արդիացում27.06.2021 20:55:03, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Pugachev Sergej5400880MNC1302
2To Nam Long551059266FRA1260
3Subkhanberdin Janibek5401208MNC1199
4Tskhovrebov Petr5400961MNC1199
5Samorukov Boris5401070MNC1185
6Chahouche Fouad5401224MNC1099
7Lopneva Christina551072696FRA1082
8Dinoni Attali Myriam5400996MNC1057
9Bernasconi Victor5401283MNC1009
10Forgione Alexander5401151MNC1009
11Kriuchkov Nikita5401321MNC1009
12Krizanovskis Kristians5401305MNC1009
13Mangin Maxim5401364MNC1009
14Muravschyk Davyd5401356MNC1009
15Reiss Oscar5401194MNC1009
16Reiss Roman5401259MNC1009
17Sini Cesare5401330MNC1009
18Stoyanov Victor5401240MNC1009