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Independance Warm Up

Last update 26.06.2021 18:30:23, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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Starting rank

1Muheto Dieudonne20300352BDI1802
2Ntagasigumwami Deo20300034BDI1737
3AFMNtamatungiro Wilfried20300166BDI1720
4Ryumeko Gilbert20300220BDI1678
5Arakaza Abdoul-WadoudBDI0
6Benimana Don - MiguelBDI0
7Irabaruta Noryve FreemanBDI0
8Iradukunda JospinBDI0
9Irambona James-MaxwellBDI0
10Kelly Karelle Kaze20300425BDI0
11Nahimana ChristianBDI0
12Niyizigama GiftBDI0
13Sezerano Arlene Antoine20300450BDI0
14Uwineza Ulrich-JohanBDI0