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IM Round Robin ,, Akva Gold 1,,

Last update 23.07.2021 13:00:28, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

4GMSavic Miodrag R920479SRB2421
7GMRistic Nenad901318SRB2334
9IMPanic Nenad925799SRB2320
3FMSanz Wawer Daniel1185543POL2307
8IMSredojevic Ivan929310SRB2284
6FMVlajkovic Stanko963852SRB2245
10Lekic Miodrag908401SRB2219
1WFMHarshini A25008986IND2189
2Chen Jonathan30919878USA2103
5Ilijic Mihajilo14640635AUT2058