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Championnat de Monaco Rapide 2021

Posledná aktualizácia 14.06.2021 21:59:40, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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Štartová listina

1GMEfimov Igor806404MNC2530
2GMBagheri Amir12500283MNC2424
3IMBerezovsky Igor4646215MNC2398
4IMVillegas Pierre654183MNC2372
5WGMDornbusch Tatiana14107449MNC2248
6FMVerdier Patrice606340FRA2109
7WIMNicoara Malina604631FRA2034
8FMVan Hoolandt Patrick200999MNC1991
9Cuttoli Alexandre36007293MNC1894
10Ahmetovic Salko637084FRA1892
11WIMDubois Martine601926MNC1882
12Berthaut Alexandre26080192MNC1882
13Tortorella Giancarlo824909MNC1858
14WCMBerezovska Svetlana5400740MNC1810
15Jamalov Adam26087464MNC1744
16Vigny Philippe650609MNC1736
17WIMLebel-Arias Julia602019MNC1735
18Rapaire Jean-Michel5400023MNC1726
19Lusher Mark5401003MNC1605
20Berezovsky Fiorina5400651MNC1413
21Fournier Benjamin5401275MNC0
22Gerbaudo Pascal5401267MNC0