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9th 4NCL Online Congress Under 2000

Darrera actualització06.07.2021 23:12:00, Creador/Darrera càrrega: 4NCL

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Rànquing inicial

1Gore Bob RENG1819
2Connolly David FENG1817
3Tang JulianENG1794
4Valentine TimENG1760
5Leigh DominicENG1720
6Letton RobENG1712
7Hollyman MikeWLS1706
8Macphail KieranENG1702
9Spencer PaulENG1671
10Webb NicholasIRL1654
11Braun StevenNED1628
12Harris DaiENG1582
13Cule JuricaENG1570
14Song AnwenENG1567
15Mottram PaulENG1529
16Sagar AneeshENG1504
17Zhao GeorgeENG1135
18Miskinyte KotrynaENG951
19Wheeler TimENG0