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Results FINAL. Trophy winners will be published at the 4NCL website soon.
Trophy winners can expect to be contacted by Mike Truran for postal address details.

8th 4NCL Online Congress Under 1100

Last update 23.05.2021 19:47:03, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank

1Robinson CraigENG1047
2Chadwick DonnaENG985
3Patel Diah DipalENG954
4Ongley Kieran MENG914
5Vitvitskyi KostyaENG886
6Ramesh AdithyaIND815
7Balasa KushaalENG787
8Shearsby FlorenceENG708
9Munkres CourtneyUSA0
10Ongley RieganENG0