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Majstrovstvá Bratislavského kraja jednotlivcov 2011

Last update 16.09.2011 20:51:21, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

8FMVlcek StanislavSVK2330Sk Doprastav Bratislava
6Schwarz DusanSVK2286Sk Doprastav Bratislava
4Janos MartinSVK2252Sk Doprastav Bratislava
5Sosovicka JurajSVK2198Sk Strelec Devinska Nova Ves
2Chovanec VladimirSVK2114Slavia Stu Bratislava
7Hajek LukasSVK2038Sk Doprastav Bratislava
1Kimerling MartinSVK2015Ksn Bratislava
3Danada TomasSVK1960Sk Doprastav Bratislava